

Art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something. Well, if it’s looks nice, it’s an advantage :-)Rainbow Rowell Against popular opinions, I agree with Rainbow Rowell on this statement; Art is expressed in feelings than looks. Of course everyone wants an art piece to look very beautiful and jaw... Continue Reading →

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getting married

What were your parents doing at your age? Married. Haha, my mum was. My mum told us stories of how her childhood was and the change she experienced when she met my dad — who was her brother’s friend. Now that I think about it, her brother must have trusted his friend so much to... Continue Reading →

2024, Finally!

As someone who loves to be cognizant, it has become a ritual to know what the next year holds for me - I never want to move aimlessly. Usually, a personal theme will suffice; 2020 was ‘No Pressure’. I went through my process despite the turbulence - COVID-19, ASUU strike, and academic disappointments, I was... Continue Reading →


Abstract: It's like a LITERAL hole in your heart you carry around - the ache, the shortness of breath, the anxiety, and incessant panicking, and gradually, the hope that everything will fade away eventually. It will, won't it? "Why do I have to be like this?" is usually my thought when I think of where... Continue Reading →


Years ago, I wasn’t permitted to go out alone, ride a bike without supervision, watch some tv shows, and even carry out a thorough self-care routine because I wasn’t “old enough” to do those things. It felt like I was boxed in - like some sort of controlled person. I fantasized about what adulthood will... Continue Reading →

The Guy in the Dark

Is it just me? Do you ever wonder what you were so scared of as a child in the dark? Was it the monster, ojuju, or something else? Initially, I thought it was the ojuju, but I outgrew that phase and realized it was just a story older people told younger ones, but guess what?... Continue Reading →

She told me to QUIT!

We weren’t just like any best friends, she was a part of me. She told me my fears and we dealt with each one accordingly; from self-doubt, to self-esteem, to my true self identity. There was never a time she told me I couldn’t do any project regardless of how big it seemed to me.... Continue Reading →


“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.”Rachel Wolchin I sat and wondered what exactly Rachel Wolchin‘s thoughts and experiences were when she made that statement. From my little time living, and going on adventure journeys, I found every word of that statement true; in fact, there are... Continue Reading →


Why does it only have to be greener on the other side? Why isn’t the green here enough? Green is believed to signify productivity, progress, growth, and even better things so what’s up with this place? Where I am. Overtime, people have believed that there’s an assurance of a better life where they are not;... Continue Reading →

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